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EGamersWorld/Overwatch/Teams/New York Excelsior Overwatch team

New York Excelsior Overwatch team

New York Excelsior
New York Excelsior
United States
0% Wins
0% Losses
5 matches
0% Wins
0% Losses
10 matches
0% Wins
0% Losses
Last month
0% Wins
0% Losses
Last year
Who played in New York Excelsior
+99.0-0.0KellanMin-jae Kim
+99.0-0.0FITSDong-eon Kim
+194-0.0CreativeKim Young-wan 김영완
+194-0.0OjeeChristian Han
+99.0-0.0HaloKobe Hamand


The most important information about a team is its performance statistics. So it is worth to check the key performance indicators of New York Excelsior.

Performance statistics of New York Excelsior:

The last 5 matches: the number of victories amounts ().
The last 10 matches: the number of victories amounts ().

The number of matches, which were played by New York Excelsior in the past 3 months - . Also, the number of won matches - , which amounted .
The number of matches, which were played by New York Excelsior in the past year - . Also, the number of won matches - , which amounted .

All fans of the team New York Excelsior should remember the following date - Coming soon. At this time, New York Excelsior will face in the match with Coming soon at the championship Coming soon.

The tournament was a place for the last match of New York Excelsior. At the above-mentioned event, New York Excelsior played a match against the team , which was carried out on .

This match was over with the confident victory of the team with a score of .


What is the current roster of New York Excelsior
In last matches for New York Excelsior played: unknown
When is the umcoming match for New York Excelsior
Schedule of the next matches New York Excelsior: EGamersWorld
What is the nearest tournament with the participation of New York Excelsior
Upcoming tournaments New York Excelsior will play in: EGamersWorld
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